Upcoming Events

Zumba With Tianna

Zumba With Tianna

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Zumba sessions with Tianna Balmer in Buderim.

Zumba is for all ages and abilities. No skills or experience is required. Participants are tought basic, easy to learn movements to follow and dance along to at their own pace. Every class feels like a dance party! Zumba has many benefits; it targets a variety of muscle groups at once, so you burn calories while having fun.

When in doubt, dance it out!

Every Tuesday: 10.30 am to 11.30 am

Provider: Tianna Balmer 0421 833 971 zumbawithtianna@gmail.com

Bookings: are required - cash on the day (preferred), eftpos on the day or online - www.trybooking.com/CFSCA

Cost: $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - registration is one-time, free and easy.

Register here: https://our.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/LP=356

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Zumba With Tianna

Zumba With Tianna

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Zumba sessions with Tianna Balmer in Buderim.

Zumba is for all ages and abilities. No skills or experience is required. Participants are tought basic, easy to learn movements to follow and dance along to at their own pace. Every class feels like a dance party! Zumba has many benefits; it targets a variety of muscle groups at once, so you burn calories while having fun.

When in doubt, dance it out!

Every Tuesday: 10.30 am to 11.30 am

Provider: Tianna Balmer 0421 833 971 zumbawithtianna@gmail.com

Bookings: are required - cash on the day (preferred), eftpos on the day or online - www.trybooking.com/CFSCA

Cost: $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - registration is one-time, free and easy.

Register here: https://our.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/LP=356

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Welcome To Buderim "Sunset Gathering"

Welcome To Buderim "Sunset Gathering"

"Welcome To Buderim" Sunset Gathering

A Community Service provided by the Buderim War Memorial Community Association

  • Meet other residents

  • Find out more about your neighbourhood and Community

Meet with our Affiliate group leaders and learn about our local groups from Hobbies to Art, Crafts, Music, Sports, Gardening and many more

If you would like to join us for our next gathering drop into the Old Post Office Community Centre @ 50 Burnett Street, Buderim, phone: (07) 5477 0944 or email admin@bwmca.com.au to register

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Sconetime Buderim

Sconetime Buderim

Sconetime Buderim is a cool collaboration with 4556 Chamber of Commerce, Buderim Ginger, The Ginger Factory, Simplee Sweet On Buderim, Montville Coffee, Buderim War Memorial Community Association, Manawee Garden Centre & Your Sunshine Coast Foodie.

Buy tickets for you, Mum, Dad, Nan, Pop, Senior neighbour, Carer! $8.00 per person

Book on-line: https://www.trybooking.com/CYEYE

RSVP - Martin Sunshine Coast Foodie 0473 902 261

Find out more on Sconetime at www.sconetime.com.au

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Sconetime Buderim

Sconetime Buderim

Sconetime Buderim is a cool collaboration with 4556 Chamber of Commerce, Buderim Ginger, The Ginger Factory, Simplee Sweet On Buderim, Montville Coffee, Buderim War Memorial Community Association, Manawee Garden Centre & Your Sunshine Coast Foodie.

Buy tickets for you, Mum, Dad, Nan, Pop, Senior neighbour, Carer! $8.00 per person

Book on-line: https://www.trybooking.com/CYEYF

RSVP - Martin Sunshine Coast Foodie 0473 902 261

Find out more on Sconetime at www.sconetime.com.au

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Sconetime Buderim

Sconetime Buderim

Sconetime Buderim is a cool collaboration with 4556 Chamber of Commerce, Buderim Ginger, The Ginger Factory, Simplee Sweet On Buderim, Montville Coffee, Buderim War Memorial Community Association, Manawee Garden Centre & Your Sunshine Coast Foodie.

Buy tickets for you, Mum, Dad, Nan, Pop, Senior neighbour, Carer! $8.00 per person

Book on-line: https://www.trybooking.com/CYEYI

RSVP - Martin Sunshine Coast Foodie 0473 902 261

Find out more on Sconetime at www.sconetime.com.au

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Cottage Open Day

Cottage Open Day

Looking for an artistic group to join?

Buderim Craft Cottage is throwing the doors ope so you can meet the different groups that share this pace and see what they get up to.

Chat with group members and see demos. Photography, Life Drawing & Portraiture, Drawing, Needlework, Silversmiths, Patchwork, Machine Embroidery, Mixed Media and many more.

Parking area via Church Street

Website: buderimcraftcottage.com.au

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Buderim Foundation - Happy Hour

Buderim Foundation - Happy Hour


The New Year is here and we’re thrilled to kick it off with our first Happy Hour for 2025! Let’s gather to reconnect, make new friends and celebrate in style.

This special event will be hosted by Charlie & Ann Morris at their lovely home in Buderim. With nibbles, music, a fun raffle and plenty of laughter, it’s the perfect way to unwind and enjoy great company.

Here’s everything you need to know:

Parking: On Street parking is available

Drinks: Available from the Bar by cash/EFTPOS

RSVP: By Tuesday, 25th February 2025.

For catering purposes, an RSVP is essential. Please RSVP to Susi via email at info@buderimfoundation.org.au

Call: (07) 5456 1757 or 0474 220 895

Feel free to bring along friends, family, or potential Foundation Ambassadors - eveyone’s welcome to join this happy occasion.


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Functional Circuit Training

Functional Circuit Training

  • Buderim War Memorial Hall - CWA Room upstairs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Functional Circuit Training sessions with Gaye Becker from Just 4 Your Fitness.

Functional training is a term used to describe exercise that helps you perform activities in everyday life more easily.

These exercises typically use the whole body - definitely multiple muscles - and emphasise core strength and stability.

By mirroring the movements of your daily life, like squatting, reaching or even carrying a heavy object, building functional strength can help increase your quality of life and reduce your risk of injury.

Every Wednesday

CWA room, upstairs at the Buderim War Memorial Hall

Provider: Gaye Becker - 0450 870 332 bodyfit.63@gmail.com

Bookings: Required - either call or email Gaye.

Cost: only $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Details: Look on Council’s website and search for ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast’, then locate ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast Activities’ and click on the box below.

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - Registration is one-time, free and easy. Register here:


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Zumba With Tianna

Zumba With Tianna

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Zumba sessions with Tianna Balmer in Buderim.

Zumba is for all ages and abilities. No skills or experience is required. Participants are tought basic, easy to learn movements to follow and dance along to at their own pace. Every class feels like a dance party! Zumba has many benefits; it targets a variety of muscle groups at once, so you burn calories while having fun.

When in doubt, dance it out!

Every Tuesday: 10.30 am to 11.30 am

Provider: Tianna Balmer 0421 833 971 zumbawithtianna@gmail.com

Bookings: are required - cash on the day (preferred), eftpos on the day or online - www.trybooking.com/CFSCA

Cost: $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - registration is one-time, free and easy.

Register here: https://our.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/LP=356

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Functional Circuit Training

Functional Circuit Training

  • Buderim War Memorial Hall - CWA Room upstairs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Functional Circuit Training sessions with Gaye Becker from Just 4 Your Fitness.

Functional training is a term used to describe exercise that helps you perform activities in everyday life more easily.

These exercises typically use the whole body - definitely multiple muscles - and emphasise core strength and stability.

By mirroring the movements of your daily life, like squatting, reaching or even carrying a heavy object, building functional strength can help increase your quality of life and reduce your risk of injury.

Every Wednesday

CWA room, upstairs at the Buderim War Memorial Hall

Provider: Gaye Becker - 0450 870 332 bodyfit.63@gmail.com

Bookings: Required - either call or email Gaye.

Cost: only $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Details: Look on Council’s website and search for ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast’, then locate ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast Activities’ and click on the box below.

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - Registration is one-time, free and easy. Register here:


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Old Habits Die Hard Lifestyle For A Healthy Future Workshop

Old Habits Die Hard Lifestyle For A Healthy Future Workshop

Healthy Sunshine Coast - Healthy Brain Ageing Fre and Low Cost Community Activities by the Sunshine Coast Council proudly present the Old Habits Die hard: Lifestyle for a Healthy Future Workshop.

Imagine reducing your risk of dementia by nearly half just by tweaking your daily habits! Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of brain health and explore powerful lifestyle changes that promote healthy ageing.

In this workshop, discover practical tips to build and improve habits that form the foundation of a vibrant and healthy life. Don’t miss this opportunity to unlock the secrets to living your best life!

Presented by researcher Chelsea Hennessy, a PhD candidate at UniSC Thompson Institute, a hub for brain and mental health research and education. Chelsea’s research uses MRI brain imaging paired with cognitive and behavioural measures to help better understand how to support people to change their lifestyle and habits for healthy brain ageing. This workshop is proudly presented as part of the Healthy Sunshine Coast program - Sunshine Coast Council's low-cost and holistic community health and wellbeing program. To find out more about Healthy Sunshine Coast, please visit the website - https://www.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/living-and-community/community-support/healthy-and-active/healthy-sunshine-coast


DATE: Monday 17 February 2025

TIME: 10.30am - 11.30am

VENUE: Venue 114 - Lake View Room

ADDRESS: 114 Sportsman Parade, Bokarina

REGISTRATIONS REQUIRED: https://forms.office.com/r/k1Ud3U0TkV

ENQUIRIES: HealthySC@sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au


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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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SCARS Trivia Night

SCARS Trivia Night

  • Sunshine Coast Function Centre @ Caloundra RSL (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Get ready to test your knowledge and have a blast at this exciting event held at the Sunshine Coast Function Centre. Gather your friends and family for a fun-filled evening of trivia questions covering a wide range of topics. Show off your smarts and compete for awesome prizes while supporting a great cause. Don't miss out on this chance to have a great time while making a difference.

This event is proudly brought to you by our Gold Paws Sponsor Youi

$500 cash to the winning team. Lucky door prize-ticket included with entry. Plenty of raffle tickets and prizes are available.

Teams of 8 people - $15 per person ($120 per team)


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Grief & Loss Program

Grief & Loss Program

Grief and Loss Program

Our next free program commences on Friday, 14th February @ 9.30 am in Connections on King, Buderim Uniting Church, Cnr Gloucester Rd and King St.

Have you experienced the loss of a loved one?

Is your bereavement bringing it with a mixture of intense feelings of sadness, confusion, anger, guilt and fear as well as memories of happier times?

The Blue Care Grief and Loss Programe provides assistance in dealing with grief at times of loss.

Each weekly session is for 2 hours over 8 weeks.

For further information or to register contact

Aurilea Augustine - 0439 768 394

email: aaugustine5@bigpond.com

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Functional Circuit Training

Functional Circuit Training

  • Buderim War Memorial Hall - CWA Room upstairs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Functional Circuit Training sessions with Gaye Becker from Just 4 Your Fitness.

Functional training is a term used to describe exercise that helps you perform activities in everyday life more easily.

These exercises typically use the whole body - definitely multiple muscles - and emphasise core strength and stability.

By mirroring the movements of your daily life, like squatting, reaching or even carrying a heavy object, building functional strength can help increase your quality of life and reduce your risk of injury.

Every Wednesday

CWA room, upstairs at the Buderim War Memorial Hall

Provider: Gaye Becker - 0450 870 332 bodyfit.63@gmail.com

Bookings: Required - either call or email Gaye.

Cost: only $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Details: Look on Council’s website and search for ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast’, then locate ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast Activities’ and click on the box below.

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - Registration is one-time, free and easy. Register here:


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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Netball Come & Try

Netball Come & Try

  • Buderim Mountain State School - Netball Courts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come & try netball with the Buderim Firebirds Netball Club. New players are welcome boys and girls!

8 am - 12 pm (Questions & assistance with registering)

9 am - 10 am (Come and try netball skills session)

NetSetGo Green/Gold (born 2017 - 2018) $340

NetSetGo White (born 2015 - 2016) $375

Divisional Netball (born 2014-2007) $375

Register now!


(Registrations will close on February 10)

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Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

Long Gone Cowgirls - 3B Creative Production

3bCreative presents a funny & touching tale of love and loss in the 1960’s outback Queensland “Long Gone Lonesome Cowgirls”.

Louise Tasker & Chris Perkins play two unlikely friends in this comedy-drama set in a small town in outback Queensland. Vicki & Rae are two deserted wives with wildly different temperaments, trying to tackle the confusion of life in a world that is rapidly changing. They live their lives through the music of Hank Williams, Patsy Cline & others and in doing so, they forge a friendship that spans the 60’s and beyond. With a cast and crew drawn from all areas of the Sunshine Coast, 3b Create invites you to join them for a trip down memory lane with two unforgettable crazy gals.

Sessions times:

Friday 7 & 14 @ 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Saturday 8 & 15 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

Sunday 9 & 16 @ 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm & 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm

To book:

$30 - $32 go to the website: htpps://www.trybooking.com/CXRZS

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Sconetime Buderim

Sconetime Buderim

Sconetime Buderim is a cool collaboration with 4556 Chamber of Commerce, Buderim Ginger, The Ginger Factory, Simplee Sweet On Buderim, Montville Coffee, Buderim War Memorial Community Association, Manawee Garden Centre & Your Sunshine Coast Foodie.

Buy tickets for you, Mum, Dad, Nan, Pop, Senior neighbour, Carer! $8.00 per person

Book on-line: https://www.trybooking.com/CXPQN

RSVP - Martin Sunshine Coast Foodie 0473 902 261

Find out more on Sconetime at www.sconetime.com.au

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Functional Circuit Training

Functional Circuit Training

  • Buderim War Memorial Hall - CWA Room upstairs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Functional Circuit Training sessions with Gaye Becker from Just 4 Your Fitness.

Functional training is a term used to describe exercise that helps you perform activities in everyday life more easily.

These exercises typically use the whole body - definitely multiple muscles - and emphasise core strength and stability.

By mirroring the movements of your daily life, like squatting, reaching or even carrying a heavy object, building functional strength can help increase your quality of life and reduce your risk of injury.

Every Wednesday

CWA room, upstairs at the Buderim War Memorial Hall

Provider: Gaye Becker - 0450 870 332 bodyfit.63@gmail.com

Bookings: Required - either call or email Gaye.

Cost: only $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Details: Look on Council’s website and search for ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast’, then locate ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast Activities’ and click on the box below.

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - Registration is one-time, free and easy. Register here:


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Functional Circuit Training

Functional Circuit Training

  • Buderim War Memorial Hall - CWA Room upstairs (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Functional Circuit Training sessions with Gaye Becker from Just 4 Your Fitness.

Functional training is a term used to describe exercise that helps you perform activities in everyday life more easily.

These exercises typically use the whole body - definitely multiple muscles - and emphasise core strength and stability.

By mirroring the movements of your daily life, like squatting, reaching or even carrying a heavy object, building functional strength can help increase your quality of life and reduce your risk of injury.

Every Wednesday

CWA room, upstairs at the Buderim War Memorial Hall

Provider: Gaye Becker - 0450 870 332 bodyfit.63@gmail.com

Bookings: Required - either call or email Gaye.

Cost: only $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Details: Look on Council’s website and search for ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast’, then locate ‘Healthy Sunshine Coast Activities’ and click on the box below.

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - Registration is one-time, free and easy. Register here:


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Bridge Lessons

Bridge Lessons

  • Buderim Contract Bridge Club - USC Crick Club Building (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We invite you to come and learn the world’s most popular partnership card game. Develop the skill of playing Bridge while enjoying intellectual stimulation and social interactions.

Put it in your calendar, our weekly Bridge Lessons commence

When: Wednesday 29 January 2025, from 8:30 until 11:00 am.

Where: Buderim Contract Bridge Club,

USC Cricket Club building,

176 Ballinger Road, Buderim.

Cost: $50 includes 10 weekly lessons and 6 supervised play, ‘Introduction to Bridge’ textbook, extensive lesson notes, morning tea and Club Membership

Contact: Linda: 0491 130 722


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Zumba With Tianna

Zumba With Tianna

Healthy Sunshine Coast is excited to offer Zumba sessions with Tianna Balmer in Buderim.

Zumba is for all ages and abilities. No skills or experience is required. Participants are tought basic, easy to learn movements to follow and dance along to at their own pace. Every class feels like a dance party! Zumba has many benefits; it targets a variety of muscle groups at once, so you burn calories while having fun.

When in doubt, dance it out!

Every Tuesday: 10.30 am to 11.30 am

Provider: Tianna Balmer 0421 833 971 zumbawithtianna@gmail.com

Bookings: are required - cash on the day (preferred), eftpos on the day or online - www.trybooking.com/CFSCA

Cost: $10 general fee or $5 health care/pensioner card

Please note: You must be registered with Healthy Sunshine Coast to join in the activities - registration is one-time, free and easy.

Register here: https://our.sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au/LP=356

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Australia Day Picnic In The Park

Australia Day Picnic In The Park

Rotary Club of Buderim presents

Australia Day - Picnic In The Park

All Day Entertainment - Variety of Street Food & Lion’s BBQ

Potato slinkies, Fair Floss & Sweet treats, Captain Gozzy Flat Breads, Burgers & Donuts, Miss P’s Ice Creams, J’s Hot Dogs, Pizza, Lions’s Sausage Sizzle. Licensed Bar.

4.30 pm - Sunshine Blues Band (Toe-tapping Blues)

5.30 pm - Fiona O’Shea (Country Rock)

6.30 pm - M7 (70’s/80’s Rock

7.45 pm - Michelle Bull (I am Australian & National Anthem)

8.00 pm - Spectacular Bendigo Bank Fireworks

Thankyou for joining us in the celebration of our wonderful Country.

Further Information Details Contact: www.rotaryclubofbuderim.com

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Welcome To Buderim "Sunset Gathering"

Welcome To Buderim "Sunset Gathering"

"Welcome To Buderim" Sunset Gathering

A Community Service provided by the Buderim War Memorial Community Association

  • Meet other residents

  • Find out more about your neighbourhood and Community

Meet with our Affiliate group leaders and learn about our local groups from Hobbies to Art, Crafts, Music, Sports, Gardening and many more

If you would like to join us for our next gathering drop into the Old Post Office Community Centre @ 50 Burnett Street, Buderim, phone: (07) 5477 0944 or email admin@bwmca.com.au to register

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