Affiliate Membership &

Affiliate Renewal Forms

The Benefits To Your Organisation As An Affiliate Of The BWMCA?

The BWMCA provides a number of services to the Community such as:

  • Addressing issues that affect the development of the Buderim Community

  • Provides a Community Information Hub (Old Post Office)

  • Provides a JP service for residents and visitors

  • Disseminates information to the Community

  • Manages Community facilities. Old Post Office, Memorial Hall, Pioneer Cottage and Vice House

  • Plans for future Community facilities

  • Conducts special events. Anzac Day, Christmas Carols, Jazz In The Park, Sunset Gatherings & Welcome to Buderim events

  • Creates links between organisations to share expertise

  • Fosters the development of new Community organizations

  • Welcomes new residents

The benefits to Affiliated Associations include:

  • Provide a community forum for the discussion of community issues and needs

  • Fostering the development of links between organisations for mutual benefit and support by promoting partnerships

  • Provide the opportunity for the whole community to support issues and needs

  • Advertising coming events in the Newsletter and our website

Each Affiliated organization is entitled to send a Delegate to the monthly Management Committee meetings to acquaint other members with developments or events related to their organization and to raise issues of concern to their organization or the community generally.

The Annual Membership is $50 inclusive GST per annum and is renewed every January.